Review of Midnight Ride by Cat Johnson

Tyler is enjoying life s a 24yr old. He's young, enjoys working on a farm, participating at rodeos, and just having fun. Janie is just the opposite. She's a 36yr old widow trying to run her own farm. A chance meeting after a stupid stunt reminds Janie she's not dead and has Tyler thinking about a change in his lifestyle.
This is the first book I've read by this author even though I've heard of her for awhile. As I was reading the book and deciding how I felt about it since it's a genre I don't read very often, I decided what I really liked was the characters. The plot was fairly basic with no real shocks or conflicts, but the characters were real (and not really young except for Tyler). Tyler is like most every young guy you are going to find in the Mid-West, a good 'ole boy just enjoying life until he finds the one that makes him want more. Janie is someone I can really feel for. Having been a 36yr old widow, I can say that everything she was going through I've felt. Everything she is feeling towards Tyler I'd imagine is how I'd react if I met someone like him, the rush of the attention again, the jealousy, the doubts, especially with the way he pursued her. My only real irritation is just the quickness the L word came out.
Overall really good book. I enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone that likes this genre. I look forward to reading more from this author.


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