Review of Dark Instincts by Suzanne Wright

Roni Axton was in a car that was upside down. She felt no pain, fear, or panic, only a feeling of weightlessness. Her brother is the Alpha of a recently formed Mercury pack. At school she had been a tomboy and had a high IQ, even higher than her teachers. Also, she didn't understand her own gender. She was more comfortable around guys, particularly her two brothers and the Beta male. The only female she thought of as a friend was the Alpha female Shaya. Roni remembered going to the zoo with Shaya, who was 2 months pregnant and wanted to get away from Nick, Roni's brother, and his over-protectiveness. With them was Shaya's Godson Kye and his bodyguard Tao. They were on the drive back to their pack's territory, their car was hit by another car. Marcus Fuller was the Phoenix pack enforcer. Roni and her wolf were very attracted to him but wouldn't admit it.
Roni was basically a loner, very smart, very loyal and very strong. For those she cared about, there wasn't anything she wouldn't do to him. Roni was not feminine and never grew out of the tomboy stage and was an enforcer. She was very independent and didn't take orders well. Through this story she grows a lot and even learns to love. You root her on while she goes through her journey. Marcus was a very strong man. He was intense, loyal and intelligent. He also had a thing about not following orders. He had a messed up childhood and hid who he really was, but he too grew has the story progressed. I recommend this book to anyone that likes paranormal books with some romance. This book was very well written. 


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