Review of Wrongful Death by L.J. Sellers

Police officer Dan Thompson handed out all the worn things the community donated to the homeless people. He'd been doing this for 7 years. He was found murdered near the homeless camp.
Claire Devonshire's daughter Ashley was being blackmailed for $15,000 to destroy an incriminating video. Claire's husband had leukemia, so they couldn't come up with the money for the blackmailer. Ashley killed herself after the video was released. The same thing happened to another girl named Myra. Claire's blackmail occurred in November and Myra's in May. The blackmailer told Myra's parents they wanted $10,000 and they paid.
Schak was another officer. He was Dan's cousin but more like a brother. His boss wouldn't let him work Dan's case. Instead, he was given a rape case where the victim killed herself (Claire). Schak had a drinking problem but he was still a really good cop and being very thorough with his cases. He also was having marriageable problems because of the drinking. He was very loyal and loved his family but did what he had to do to get the job done. Wade was the cop that got assigned to Dan's case. He was also an excellent cop, very determined, very observant and wouldn't give up. He had a large heart and a good person.
Another absolutely good story. Had an excellent story. Would recommend it to anybody who enjoys mysteries.


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