Review of Guarding His Heart by Annie Seaton

Liam Wyndham is an author who wanted solitude to get over his shock and pain over his wife's death and to finish his latest book. Vanessa and Liam were separated but still married when she died. Georgie's relationship had just ended, with ex using the standard "It's not you, it's me" excuse. Everyone saw Georgie as a good sport, happy, easy going, and a practical joker. Just before her mother's death, Georgie found out the girl she though was her sister for 21 years was actually her cousin. To sort out her life and to change it, Georgie is going on a tour around the world. First she has to do one last job as a favor. Georgie saw a man laying on the beach and went to help him. He got very rude with her. The next day, when she goes to start the job, turns out the same guy, Liam, actually owns the house. Georgie's new mantra is "I value my independence". Liam's attitude helped her to keep this at the front of her mind. Even though she doesn't want to, she feels an attraction to Liam. She eventually learns that he feels it too.
This story was kind of slow. There were no real surprises or twists to it.


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