Review of Confessions of a Qeen B* by Crista McHugh - 5 Stars

Confessions of a Queen B* (The Queen B* Book 1) - Crista McHugh
**I received an ARC of this story in exchange for an honest review**
Alexis Wyndah was not the popular Queen B. She had been the tease and butt of practical jokes through middle school. She had a younger sister named Taylor who was a cheerleader. She now had a blog called the Eastland Spy and it exposed everything from cheating to the nasty food served in the cafeteria. No one wanted to be the subject of her blog. Alexis' nemesis was Summer, head cheerleader and popular Queen B. Once upon a time, they were best friends, but that was before junior high. Her best friend now was Morgan. in a class project, Alexis was placed with Brett for two weeks. They were to be parents. 
Alexis put on a facade to protect herself as she had been hurt before. She was a Queen B for protection, but she did stick up for the underdog. She was confident in many ways. She liked the status she set herself in until Brett. I loved her character. Brett was the golden boy of the school. He was sweet, considerate, kind and looked out for people. He refused to believe that Alexis was as she appeared. I loved his character also.
I liked all of the character. The plot and overall story were great. I recommend to anyone that likes this genre.


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