Review of Dark Bride by Jonathan Ryan

Dark Bride

Aiden, Father Neal, Reg and Darris are in an Ohio paranormal investigation club. They also fight demons and thwart evil magicians. Darin is the computer tech person. Reg is the resident skeptic as well as an OSU physics professor. Zoe is the group founder. Darris's girlfriend is the historical researcher. Aiden is an assistant pastor for a Presbyterian church. His girlfriend is Jen and she is a Columbus detective. Sometimes Aiden and the group are called in to help Jen on her investigations. The current investigation she called them in on showed some use of voodoo and Appalachian folk magic. Mike had been the pastor of the church Aidan is at but his evil came through. He and Daniel murdered Aiden's former fiance. Father Neal tells Aiden that the five sorrows have chosen him and also tells him about an old club of dark magicians called the Hell Fire Club.

Aiden is not content at the church he's at, but finds his answers as the book goes on. He grows a lot throughout the story and changes in a good way. The book is very enjoyable. I'd recommend it to anyone. It reminds me of a roller coaster adventure. I can't wait to read more from this author.


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