Review of Rue Toulouse by Debby Grahl

**I received an ARC of this story in exchange for an honest review**
Caterine Doucette is a wealthy fashion designer that helps run her grandmother's high-end boutique in New Orleans. As Mardi Gras approaches, she catches her boyfriend cheating on her. Determined to not let it get to her, she attends her best friend's masquerade ball where she encounters a mystery man dressed up as the pirate Jean LeFitte. Bayou born and raised Remi Mechaud can't believe his luck when he sees the same beautiful woman at his partner's masquerade ball that he encountered earlier that day. He can't resist approaching her to find out more about her. After she runs off on him, he knows he's got to find her. When his partner admits about who she is and that someone is trying to hurt her, Remi knows he needs to keep her safe while they both put their hearts at risk.
Overall, this book was pretty good. It was more a mystery with a romance theme running parallel. I actually liked the overall mystery plot more than the romance. Some parts of the romance didn't really work for me, but it didn't deter the story itself. I found the book to be mainly about a very lonely young woman, bullied by her family, finally finding a much better family willing to accept her rather than disdain her. I would recommend it to anyone that likes this kind of book.


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