Review of No Weddings by Kat Bastion

Cade Michaelson is master of his current domain: He's finishing his Masters, he's launched a successful bar with his partner, he's launching a successful party planning business with his sisters, and he loves being a womanizer. Then he meets Hannah Martin, an up and coming cake designer that would be perfect for his new business, and the one woman he promised not to touch. Problem is, as he spends more and more time with her, all in the name of business of course, he's finding long buried emotions fighting to break free. Unfortunately, Hannah might be just as scarred as he is.
The first thing that drew me to this book was the fact that it was a romance written by a husband and wife time. I'm glad I decided to give it a try. Once I started it, I didn't stop until several hours later when I finished it. Even though Cade is a cad when the book begins, his personality makes you giggle and cheer him on. Since I haven't read the others in this series yet, I don't know whose perspective they are in, but I'm definitely glad this one was in his, as it needed to be. As Cade mentions, it's like one long dance for the reader, watching the partners circle around each other. I can't wait for the next one!


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