Review: Bitter Bite

Bitter Bite Bitter Bite by Jennifer Estep
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Gin Blanco is back. This time she isn’t fighting bitter enemies. This time she’s trying to not lose her brother Finn when his mother mysteriously re-appears from the grave.
After reading a number of books about the same character, I tend to lose interest, but not with Gin Blanco. This is the third book I’ve read from the series (alas I didn’t start with book 1), but even though the series is well established I love reading about everything Gin goes through. This one was incredibly personal for her as she tries to protect Finn the only way she knows how and yet still be there in the way he wants her to. I loved the book. I highly recommend the series.
**I received an ARC of this story in exchange for an honest review

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